Vinci Wing’s Bizarre Adventure

Vinci Wing’s Bizarre Adventure

Vinci wing

Vinci wing

Vinci wing

Vinci wing

Vinci wing

Art gallery

Art gallery

Art gallery

Art gallery

Art gallery





There are too many types of works, so I want to classify them

There are too many types of works, so I want to classify them

There are too many types of works, so I want to classify them

There are too many types of works, so I want to classify them

My services

I provide amazing paintings to
present to you

I provide amazing paintings to
present to you

I provide amazing paintings to
present to you

I provide amazing
paintings to

present to you

drawing video

Recording Clips

We create beautiful,
practical works

We create beautiful,
practical works

drawing video

Recording Clips
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together
  • Create excellent works together



Hello! I'M Vinci

Hello! I'M Vinci

I am a Painter
An impassioned artist from Hong Kong, I traverse dynamic stylistic landscapes, weaving beauty through the delicate strokes of sketching, the fluidity of watercolors, the vibrant hues of acrylics, and the enchantment of mixed media. My artistic journey is a continual exploration of the harmonious interplay between form and expression.

I am a Painter
An impassioned artist from Hong Kong, I traverse dynamic stylistic landscapes, weaving beauty through the delicate strokes of sketching, the fluidity of watercolors, the vibrant hues of acrylics, and the enchantment of mixed media. My artistic journey is a continual exploration of the harmonious interplay between form and expression.

How you like that?
Talk to me.

I hope you can help me improve my difficulties in the creative
process and provide guidance. You are the key factor that will lead me to success.

How you like that?
Talk to me.

We create experiences that fuel connections between brands and the people vital to their success.