Girl with a pearl earring

Girl with a pearl earring

Portrait Series.



Work Status : Unsold

Work Status : Unsold

Date: November 23, 2022

Date: 11/23/22

The above work is my attempt at copying Johannes Vermeer. His artistic skills are of a very high standard, and through this imitation, I have learned to accurately distinguish the artist's techniques in positioning and shading of the color blue. Indeed, he exhibits a unique dedication to the use of blue.

In the following, I aimed to emulate the smoothness I perceived in oil paintings. I applied a layer of glaze to imitate this effect. However, due to my unfamiliarity with the application process, I encountered protrusions in the initial stages of the artwork. was likely due to the presence of air bubbles, requiring numerous repetitions of the application process to achieve a satisfactory result.

“remastered version“
Art by Vinci Wing


Watercolor , Art , Painter

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